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University Dames
University of Mississippi

Frequently Asked Questions

Why the name, The Dames????

While it may sound odd to our modern ears, we retain the name, The University Dames, to reflect our history. The tradition began with the first such club at Harvard in 1896. As Harvard Dames moved to other parts of the country, as faculty tend to do, they would start new chapters at the next university at which they were affiliated. At the time, the clubs were devoted to creating a sense of community between the wives of male faculty members and often included mothers of students as well. The clubs also became a source  of social and intellectual development and philanthropic endeavors.  The National Association of University of Dames was founded in 1921 to address the growing need to better facilitate the transfer of members among chapters.

Our chapter of University Dames dates to 1927 when Mrs. Alfred Humes, wife of the chancellor, chartered our group.

Eventually, the national association ceased to exit and as it did, many chapters also folded.  We are proud that our chapter at the University of Mississippi  continues to adapt to the needs of its members and continues to thrive.

Who can be a University Dame?

Any person that identifies as a woman and has an association with the University of Mississippi. Association is typically employment or being the spouse/partner/wife of an employee. Employees include staff and faculty members.

The University Dames welcomes all persons, regardless of religious affiliation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identify, race or ethnicity, upbringing, salary range, job classification , education background, or any other arbitrary category.

How much are Dues?

Dues are $35 annually. (Paid/renewed each August)

When do I need to pay my dues by?

By October 1st of the year. Many members find it most convenient to pay at the annual welcome reception or when renewing their membership online.

How do I pay my dues?

You can pay be cash, check, or Venmo. See the membership form for more information.

How do I join an interest group?

You simply sign up when you pay/renew your dues, or, you can email at any time during the year to join an interest group.

Can I start a new interest group or lead an existing one?

YES! If you have a great idea for a new group or want to coordinate an existing one, please email us at